Entre os dias 2 e 9 de novembro, no âmbito dos “Global Action Days” previstos no projeto Eco-Escolas da EBS Serafim Leite, alguns alunos do 7.º A e 8.º A puseram “mãos na massa” e semearam ou plantaram, na nossa horta biológica, ervas aromáticas diversas, cenouras, ervilhas, favas, repolho, couve rocha, brócolos, espinafres, cebolo e alfaces. Previamente aos trabalhos, cavaram e fertilizaram a terra com o composto preparado na compostagem doméstica.
Between november 2nd and 9th at the “Global Action Days” provided in the Eco-School project of EBS Serafim Leite, some students of the 7th and 8th A put “hands on ” and sowed or planted, in our Organic herbs, carrots, peas, fava beans, cabbage, rock cabbage, broccoli, spinach, onions and lettuces. Prior to the work, they dug and fertilized the soil with compost prepared in home composting.
No final procedeu-se à rega e era evidente a satisfação no rosto dos alunos.
At the end the watering was done and the satisfaction on the students’ faces was evident.