1st International Conference of FEE EcoCampus


The main goal of the 1st International Conference FEE EcoCampus is to bring together, showcase, and celebrate achievements of the many different dimensions of the FEE EcoCampus programme from around the world. It will also be an opportunity to explore the challenges of greening HEIs, and participate in collaborative sessions to make sure the programme fits for the future.

Número de participantes



As part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the international EcoCampus program, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and the Associação Bandeira Azul de Ambiente e Educação (ABAAE) joined the Polytechnic University of Lisbon (IPL) to promote the 1st FEE EcoCampus International Conference, under the theme of “Getting Higher Level Education Climate Ready”, which took place at the Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa (ESELx), on the 26th and 27th of April 2024.

This event, which brought together around 100 participants from 15 different nationalities – Portugal, Spain, France, Denmark, Ireland, India, Colombia, Estonia, Malaysia, Qatar, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Croatia, aimed to promote sharing and debate about the importance and challenges facing the implementation of a transversal program that fits the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education institutions.


The 1st International Conference of FEE EcoCampus was marked by reflection and sharing of knowledge and experiences about the dimensions of the EcoCampus program through the discussion of different themes in plenary sessions and parallel sessions, where more than 40 oral communications, 12 posters and 3 workshops were organized.

Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa | Lisboa
Educação de qualidade - Objetivo 4Energias Renováveis e Acessíveis - Objetivo 7Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis - Objetivo 11Produção e Consumo Sustentáveis - Objetivo 12Ação Climática - Objetivo 13Proteger a Vida Marinha - Objetivo 14Proteger a Vida Terrestre - Objetivo 15Parcerias para a Implementação dos Objetivos - Objetivo 17
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